Painted: Layering

So I’ve spent the last two days painting. It’s been awhile so my creative vibes didn’t flow as much as I hoped they would. Maybe it’s the new med combo I’m on. Or maybe I’m just rusty. It maybe I just feel more inspired & creative when I’m hypomanic. Who knows?

Anyway, the first canvas I gave up on, but the second, I liked how it started taking shape, so I decided to try and take what I’ve seen other artists do on YouTube, and try my hand at layering.

I did the base colors and started some blending last night…


and spent about an hour and a half tonight adding, blending & building upon what was there.

The result? This….


Not sure how I feel about it. I do at the very least like the brushstroke work I utilized throughout the painting.

What do you think? And seriously be honest, criticism is welcomed as long as it’s constructive. Also keep in mind I’m a newbie who knows nothing about technique.

4 thoughts on “Painted: Layering

  1. I love it; I feel like I’m sitting on a boat looking out into the ocean and the sun is starting to set in pretty yellows and pinks…I feel the sun warm my face, i feel the gentle breeze of the ocean water, I feel at ease… I know nothing about technique either, but one day I hope I can pick up a paint brush and see what I’d do to a piece of canvas 🙂

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